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Key Facts
If social media were countries :1.Facebook ,2.China , 7.Linkedin. 8 USA
Over 50% of population is under 30 years
2/3 of videos will be watched online ,2/3 companies will invest in videos marketing-Youtube
Every 2 second new member join LinkedIn
7200 per hour, 172800 per day , 5,356,800 per month , 65 million per year
Fastest segment in Twitter are GRANDPARENTS
GOODBYE 4Ps –Product ,Price , Place ,Promotion
Hello Cs of Digital –Creating , Curating , Connecting and Culture
What’s Cs Of Digital?
Creating: Create outstanding content that engages people and keeps them coming back for more.
Curating: Curate the outstanding content from other people or sources.
Culture: By the time you create and curate outstanding and exceptional content from you and other people consistently, it becomes a culture for you and it acquires its own unique identity.
Connection: Depending on your audience, your primary focus should look back to #1, the Customer to understand where they spend their time, what Content would be helpful and in what Context do they expect to receive it. Then pick the channels most relevant to them...